🕺The Activity Manager
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The Activity Manager gives you extra control over all your activities. From it you can go back and edit your activities and devices, and we also provide you with various tools to manage your activities, as described below.
This page includes links back to various parts of the Wizard.
Jump back to the very beginning of the wizard.
Jump only to the area where you map your devices.
This button Duplicates the activity and gives you the opportunity to choose and rename it.
As the title says, this allows you to change the Activity letter. If there are other activities, a screen will show how this change affects other Activities.
This button does not remove devices or alter Activities. Instead, this button allows you to delete all the assigned actions for the whole Activity or for a specific device or set of devices.
If you do this, you will be taken back to the Edit Activity section to assign missing actions.
This deletes the activity. If there is only one activity, you will be taken back to the create an activity wizard.
Still in development